Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC)
The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is the largest student rocket competition in the world, with approximately 5,000 students participating each year. The contest gives middle and high school students a chance
to engage in hands-on STEM learning, explore aerospace careers and compete for scholarship money. It is also a critical part of the aerospace and defense industry’s strategy to build a stronger workforce. In 2015, 700 teams representing 48 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., participated in TARC’s qualifying rounds. A student team from Alabama beat teams from the United Kingdom and France at the Paris Air Show to take home the international title.
Our team worked with TARC to promote the competition among national and local media, and provided on-the-ground logistical support for events at the U.S. Capitol and the TARC National Finals in Virginia.
With a nationally coordinated, locally-focused press plan, we implemented media outreach that resulted in more than 250 stories nationwide, including coverage by the Associated Press, Reuters, and in two national broadcasts syndicated in 50 regional markets.
- Client Team America Rocketry Challenge
- Date February 10, 2013
- Tags Aerospace, Design, Media Relations